It is a well known fact that what we focus on expands. We become great at what we spend our time and energy on. When we zoom into a goal we see it more clearly.
However keeping our focus on our goals despite all the stresses and pressures around us remains a challenge. Whats app, email, meetings, social media, the pull of the next Netflix wonder all can keep us from our goals.
How can you overcome this with 1 simple practice.
It will take 3 minutes everyday to do this or 0.2% of your time in the day.
You will need a notebook and a pen.
Wake up in the morning and before you start work open your notebook. Now write down your goals in the present tense. Eg I am a supremely fit yogi who works out everyday OR I am running a multi million dollar start up that is serving consumers worldwide. Include your personal professional health and any other goals you may have. These will ofcourse change over time
In the afternoon find another minute to write down the same goals as above. Write them in the same way. If you feel like adding more details do so.
In the evening repeat the exercise of writing your goals again.
Do it on Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday. Every week. Every month
See the power and magic of this in a few weeks as distractions start to melt away and you find more and more time on your goals.
See the goals start to get realized.
This is not as easy as it sounds. It’s highly powerful and proven.