There is a superpower that can make us 2-3 times more productive, increase our lifespan by 10-20 years, improve our skin, hair and overall well being, boost our happiness dramatically and increase our productivity at work.
That superpower is compassion meditation.
Compassion awakens the super powers within us and is proven to enhance health, memory, happiness, relationships and productivity in study after study.
How to build practice compassion meditation ? Here are a few simple practices you can attempt and do for 2-5 minutes a day. Even such asmall investment of time will yield dramatic results.
Multiplying Goodness Meditation
Sit comfortable and relaxed, alert to your surroundings
Bring your attention to your breath, breathing in and out slowly
Now begin to feel your own goodness and all that is good in you
Breathe it all in as a soft white light, going into your heart
See it multiplying 10 times in your heart
Now breathe it out to the universe
Transforming Suffering Meditation
Sit comfortable and relaxed, alert to your surroundings
Bring your attention to your breath, breathing in and out slowly
Now see someone you care about in your mind
See them suffering in some deep wayand undergoing pain
Feel their pain and feel the strong desire to remove their suffering
Now see their suffering and pain as a dark cloud and start breathing it in and sucking it out of them
Now as you breathe out, see your goodness and good intentions reach them as soft white light
See them transform into a beautiful, happy, radiant version of themselves
3. Understanding Others Meditation
Sit relaxed but alert
Closing your eyes, think of any person or group of people
Feel how they are similar to you, how they have the same hopes and dreams, how they have the same frustrations and problems, how they have been through pain and difficulty just as you have
Now wish them all the success, joy, love and happiness in the universe. See them smiling and accepting your wishes
Come back to your breath
Do this often and this will become your habit
You can begin also by doing this exercise for yourself, then a loved one, then someone whom you are neutral towards and lastly towards someone who you don’t like
Practise these as often as you can. Ideally everyday. Turn on your inner compassion and see the world transform around you.