Mornings are beginnings. Mornings are sunshine.
Everyday begins with the bright promise of a new beginning. It’s a time when we can choose how the day will go and what actions we will take.
We can meditate or we can pontificate.
We can smile and wish others well or we can act stressed over our to do lists.
We can exercise or we can sit and be glued to a screen.
We can give to others or we can shop for ourselves.
The choices are endless.
They all have one thing in common.
They begin in the morning.
So make your self a solemn promise. That you will breathe in the morning air.
Get up in the morning. The time is of your choosing but try to make it early to welcome the sun.
Wish others well.
Write your M.E.A.T = Most Effective Action Today
Read a few pages from a good inspiring book.
Sit in silence.
Walk your pet.
Breathe in the morning air.
Make a positive choice everyday.